Sunday, July 1, 2012


A people united can never be defeated. A struggle for freedom is the story of a people who never forget what the goal is. The reason why we fight is our babies. It is our responsibility to make a better world for them. The Nation Of Gods and Earths understand the situation we are currently in and are not satisfied. Dissatisfied people throughout history have always bought about a change. We too will be agents of change for our Nation and will not be stopped until freedom not given, is won. America has shown us this reality time after time. Her very constitution promised freedom for all except those of us who she held slaves. When she said all men are created equal she did not include us because she bought and sold us like animals. After all according to America, Black people were only 3/5ths human. So our ancestor’s natural expectations would be for us to destroy all those false assumptions put on us by America. The old problems of the past should not make into our future, they should be destroyed. Our Father Almighty God Allah, Malcolm, Martin, Nat Turner, Denmark Vesey, Harriet Tubman, Fredrick Douglas and countless others destroyed problems in their time. Their selfless actions and sacrifice served to move our people forward. They were not given the Freedom we now enjoy they won it for us! The point is we read about those who struggled in the past and ignore the people who struggle for us right now. Nation, our time is now and our struggle is right now. I say it that way so that you can feel the urgency of our situation. We cannot be a generation of failure to our babies. The reality of our Nation is our many babies who grow up with knowledge. Part of the struggle is for them to stay with us once they get grown. They see the second class treatment the Nation receives from the outside world that is not attractive and so many leave us. We are at a point in history where we realize that we must not allow anyone, government or private citizen to make us second class anything. We are the Nation of Gods and Earths and we are NOT second to anyone or anything. Gods and Earths, we cannot allow ourselves to be put into a box of false definition. Once you have been successfully misdefined no one will listen to you. This is why it is of vital importance for us to speak loudly in our own voice. We must define ourselves to the world, for how else can we teach them? So the struggle for freedom in our time; is teaching the truth of who we and what this Nation is, to the world around us. We use to have the ear of our people which is how many of us came to the Nation in the time that we did. However since that time many things have changed. This Nation has been targeted because of the Truth we teach. We have been challenged, misdefined, and been called all kinds of derogatory things. Those who we are supposed to teach no longer want to hear what we have to say because of those things. So now what are we going to do? Do we just go on not saying anything like some would have us do? Or do we stand up and defeat these enemies of truth as I say we should? Those who want to fight back and keep our Nation strong I stand with you and you are not alone. We must consolidate our resources and have comprehensive simple plans that can help us be victorious all over the country. The naysayers as well as our open enemies don’t think we have the intelligence to be successful but they are so wrong. We were raised to be mental and physical warriors and to be able to show and prove our reality. Remember we remain champions with or without an opponent. So now that it is clear we do have opponents where are our champions? My Nation; our champions are everywhere including places like prisons. Gods and Earths are teaching and making knowledge available to those who need it most. That’s why we are seeing so much attention focused on us. Our life giving teachings make men Gods and women Earths and so great change must meet and defeat great opposition. But defeat it we shall and we will use the promise of America to make her bare witness to the truth she could never destroy! Some say you can’t do it but I know the truth cannot be bound by a racist ideology or people. A Nation founded in truth cannot be criminalized not even by the government of America. My brother warriors understand that and use the rules, laws and promise of the American government to destroy the lie that would attempt to criminalize us. All over the country both in Federal and State prisons Gods and Earths are fighting for the right to embrace our God Centered Culture free from prosecution and persecution. Their struggle is just and true and more importantly timely. It is of vital importance that this Nation is free to exist honorably. That our babies are not wrongfully targeted as security threats or gangsters to be hunted and locked away like criminals. Is it ironic that our front line is already behind bars, walls and fences of prison? I don’t think so! They see what you all don’t. They are on the inside of prison looking out at the current problems of the Nation and are on top of it. They see how the Nation is really looked at because in prison, racism is still raw and is legalized through policy and procedure. How can it ever be illegal to embrace our beautiful Cultural way of life? But the government says it is and so bans our Nation in its prisons. Brother’s like myself have been punished because I refused to deny my Fathers teachings. I understood that prison policies and procedures are indicators of an overall view of our Nation. If they test those policies in prison and get the courts to validate our mistreatment then those same policies will be used against us in the free cipher. This must not be allowed to happen so we must confront and crush those policies right now.
In our current history the Marria v Broaddus case is our landmark trial court victory. Intelligent Tareef Allah showed us that we could speak to the legitimacy of our Culture and have the court bare witness. I say current history only to include the many who came before him that he most certainly learned from. We never stop fighting until we win and stay fighting to protect what we have won. The fact is we won in legal court but the court of public opinion does not obey the law. That court forced the judge to allow the DOC to create protocols that still bound and denied us equal protection under the law. On behalf of the Nation, NOCA supplied the DOC with NOGE Provisions for Cultural Observances in 2003. The package outlined our Honor Days and how we observe them. It gave them details on our lessons, parliaments, classes, flags, newspapers, crowns, and diet. They refused to grant us our honor days until January 2007. Four years later NOCA got them to obey their own protocols but we still don’t have parliaments and classes. So in March, 2008 the God Starmel Allah filed an article 78 (Ricky Panayoty v Anthony Annucci) challenging DOCs policy of violating the 5% newspaper. The head counsel for NYSDOC Anthony Annucci himself reviews our paper every month and blacks out anyone using a peace sign. He still claims that the peace sign is a sign of an unauthorized organization that the DOC has outlawed. The Gods article 78 will force him to not only to identify this “unauthorized organization” but also ask the court to stop the mistreatment in delivery and availability of our paper. The God is also preparing a 1983 civil suit challenging the denial of our parliaments and classes. In our Mass. Case we were represented by the God Jah Born Infinite Wise. The state settled with us and gave a two year window in 2005 after which classes and parliaments and classes would be put on the table. Well the two years came and went and the state has still not given us parliaments and classes. So we are ready to again do battle and battle we will. The Harvard School of Law has agreed to take our case and so NOCA stands ready to once again assist in achieving another victory. We have the God Divine Righteous (Hon Dion Hardaway) in Manistee Michigan. His civil suit is moving forward as well. He needs the support of the Gods in D-Mecca. I have sent the God a deposition that makes the reality of our righteous nation known. I am also in contact with his attorney and will make sure that NOCA will do all within our power to see us free in Michigan. On the West Coast in Cali the Gods have also been making strides to our freedom. Thanks to the God Almighty Born Allah (Hon. Derrick Ester) the administration has agreed to allow us classes, honor days and a vendor. The details are still being worked out, but the God has done his part and now NOCA will do ours. The most important thing about this struggle is that the Gods must have outside representation. This is the reason NOCA was created, to insure that we have a professional office in place with the knowledge to explain who we are to all who have questions. We serve as an outside support system validating the honorable nature of our God Centered Culture. We are experts on how Gods in the care, custody and control of state and federal entities should be treated. We have to be consulted so that Gods are not wrongfully denied because of ignorance and misinformation. We have a two pronged strategy when confronting the theological discrimination and attempted criminalization of our Nation. It is both us out here and the Gods in there doing battle together. Prior to this strategy Gods inside would fight alone and though they did not win all the time every battle made us stronger. We learned the law and how to use it better. We discovered how some of us would be granted our individual freedom to be God by the court, to stop our case from freeing the entire Nation. They would rather free one then allow one to free us all. The National Office Of Cultural Affairs (NOCA) knows what must be done and will responsibly speak on behalf of all imprisoned Gods and Earths. On a Federal level we continue to work to insure our Nations tenets and principals are respected as all other peoples are. The federal government will find it hard to discriminate against our Cultural Path to God. They are responsible for protecting the constitutional right of all people (free and imprisoned) to honor God as they see fit. No one can be forced to apostate or be forced to deny the God of their understanding. The States that have denied the Gods have actually broken the law. We must hold them responsible or they will act as if the law is on their side when it fact it is on ours. Ignorance of the law is no excuse, knowledge of the law is responsibility. I have seen two Gods on the Federal level get spit out on dry land after seriously pursuing law suits on behalf of the Nation. Both received time cuts and are home now, True Born My Allah and God Kundalini Isa Allah. Their individual freedom however does not mean the BOP is now off the hook. It just means that the name will change but the law suit remains the same until our right to exist becomes Federal and State policy. So I stand with the Gods in Otisville as they move forward with our class action suit. Most recently I introduced Heavy Mental Allah (Hon Mortimer Hetsberger) to the Nation. He won a victory for us in the state of New Jersey via summary judgment. We knew they would challenge him and appeal the summary judgment. Their first line of attack however was to misdefine the Nation, as a violent Gang that is a threat to prison security. The Attorney General Anne Milgram's office went on to say that they had witnesses who would testify in support of the states false assertions that we are a gang. They wanted these people to testify secretly claiming they would be in danger if their identity was known. This strategy was opposed by the God who of course has the right to know who the states expert witnesses are against this nation. He put in a motion to adjourn the mini trial scheduled for June 2, 2008 where the states liars would testify. The judge denied him that right. So as it stands right now the case will proceed back to the appellate division. I bring this to your attention Nation so that those who care can do something. The True and Living Gods who reside in Now Justice can flood the Attorney General’s Office with responsible truth affirming letters about the righteous of our Nation. The NOCA will be sending them a Defining letter that speaks to the righteous nature of our Nation. We seek to open the door of communication that would allow us to talk for ourselves, rather than have people talk negative about us. These are the type of problems you have when your voice is not heard. So called educated people say dangerous things trying to criminalize our Nation and we need to stop them with our truth period! Our right to exist is without question! America cannot deny us that right unless we deny ourselves with our silence. It is time for us to show and prove the righteousness of our Beautiful Culture. Let us stand together as one Nation all over the country Gods and Earths. If you don’t want to stand for yourself you better stand for our babies safety and future. A people united can never be defeated! Until next we build I remain…………. Your True Brother In The Struggle Born King Allah *7)

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